How to go from temp to perm  Top tips from an employer

How to go from temp to perm Top tips from an employer

On many occasions, employers of temporary workers also have a select number of permanent positions available and what better place for them to find the perfect candidate than in their current temping workforce. After all, you already know the systems, you have learned the ropes and you have made friends in the workplace, there couldn’t be a more perfect candidate. 

The problem is, you are often one temp worker in a workforce of many so how do you make sure that you are the one that stands out from the crowd? What is really important to an employer, is it qualifications or is it experience? 

To find out the answers to these questions we had a chat with John Williams from Securon a safety harness manufacturer with a production and warehouse facility. John gave some excellent insight from the employer’s perspective and some invaluable advice for those who do have their sights set on a permanent role. 

Top 5 tips for turning your temp job into a permanent position

1) Make a great impression

Go above and beyond to show that you really do care about your job and the work that you do, pay close attention to detail and always strive to do your best.

2) Show you mean business

Be reliable and punctual, employers want to see that you are serious about your job and that you can be trusted to turn up for your shifts.

3) Embrace learning opportunities.

If you have the chance to get a forklift license, jump at it! 

4)  Be a team player

Be helpful to your colleagues, remember that all staff are working together to achieve the same goal. Training new starters or helping someone who may be struggling are all great traits that show an employer that you are a great person to have in the workforce.

5) Experience isn’t everything

A great attitude towards work is your biggest asset. Employers are often willing to give the most enthusiastic candidates a chance even if they don’t have quite as much experience as others. 


Video: Top tips for landing a permanent position

Blue Arrow Ltd