How to go from being a forklift driver to an LGV HGV driver

How to go from being a forklift driver to an LGV HGV driver

Go from being a Forklift Driver to becoming an LGV driver and you could earn up to a 50% more each month.

Career progression in a warehouse usually entails moving from Operative to Forklift driver and on to Team Leader, and other Management positions but not all of us want to, or are cut out for, managing other people.

Management positions can often take us away from the more practical aspects of our work which for those of us who dislike paperwork, is not an appealing prospect.  But to get a decent pay bump, management is not your only option, there is a more practical, hands on route to moving up the ranks and boosting your income.

As a forklift driver in a warehouse you can earn anywhere between £8.23 and £11.20 per hour which is around £14,642 and £25,204 per year.

You could convert your forklift license to enable you to operate different types of lifting machinery increasing your chances of getting a job in another warehouse but the truth is, this is unlikely to make a huge difference to your pay packet.

If you really want to see a jump in your take home pay, then why not take your practical experience and apply it to getting an HGV or LGV qualification. Once you are qualified you could see this upper pay bracket of £25,204 as a forklift driver, become your starting basic salary as an LGV truck driver.

What qualifications do you need to become an HGV / LGV driver?

You need to be 18 or over and hold a full car driving license before you can become an HGV Truck Driver.

Steps to become an HGV/LGV Driver

  1. Get your car driving license
  2. Get a medical & obtain a medical exam report (Form D4) from your doctor
  3. Apply for a provisional lorry license
  4. Sit your theory test
  5. Take the driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) Test
  6. Take the relevant category practical test

Like any new qualification, getting your LGV license can seem expensive. The training, tests and licenses combined can cost anywhere between £900 and £1500 which is without a doubt, a significant amount of money. But remember, this is an investment into your future so don’t be put off by the affordability of the courses before you have explored all of your options.

There are a few funding options open to you as a prospective new driver:

Workplace Training

If you already have a job in a warehouse then your best, first port of call is your manager. Many warehouse and logistics companies offer training incentives to their existing staff, so you may find that your employer is willing to fund some or all of your training, in return for a longer term contract.

Career Development Funding

If your employer does not offer any training incentives, you could try to source funding from the government under a Career Development Scheme. Contact National Career Service on 0800 100 900 Monday to Sunday, 8am to 10pm.

Job Centre Funding

If you’re unemployed and looing to get back into work, then the Job Centre could help you to get your training funded through a return to work scheme. You don’t know until you ask, so your first step is to find your local job centreand have a chat with one of the advisors who can let you know what schemes are available in your area

Train Now, Pay Later

Many driving schools offer a train now pay later incentive. Specialised HGV allow new drivers to start their training with just a £10 deposit 

Training & Job Guaranteed Schemes

Eddie Stobart’s driving school offers a full training scheme that is guaranteed to result in a job with Stobart’s upon successful completion

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Video: How to transition from an FLT Driver to an HGV Driver?

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